by Site Admin | May 19, 2021 | Featured News, News
We need your help. We are editing The Seeds of Vandana Shiva and we’d like to ask you to take a short survey. It’s about our food system: What is most important to you? What concerns you most? The survey should take you less than two minutes, but your opinion will...
by Site Admin | May 19, 2021 | Crime Against Nature, Ecocide, World Food Day, Seed Freedom, News, Monsanto, Industrial Agribusiness
Last year in India we filmed several intense planning sessions between Vandana Shiva and key members of the food justice movement about their vision for an International Tribunal against Monsanto. Exactly a year later, on October 15 and 16 (World Food Day) those plans...
by Site Admin | May 19, 2021 | Regenerative Agriculture, Globalization, Ecocide, World Food Day, Seed Freedom, News, Monsanto, Industrial Agribusiness
Over the past year The Seeds of Vandana Shiva project has evolved in numerous exciting ways and we are eager to tell you about it. But first we must let you know we have just arrived in The Hague, Netherlands, where the permanent International Criminal...
by Site Admin | May 19, 2021 | Regeneration International, Vandana Shiva, Organic, Monsanto, Climate Change, Agroecology
“Regenerative agriculture provides answers to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the climate crisis and the crisis of democracy.” Vandana Shiva Join us on Thursday July 21st when local groups will come together in Ojai to support both the Soil Not Oil International...
by Site Admin | May 19, 2021 | Krishnamurti, Earth Day, Vandana Shiva, Seed Freedom, Organic, Navdanya, Monsanto, Earth Democracy
Vandana Shiva will be in Ojai next week to headline our annual Earth Day at Oak Grove School! If you are in the area, we can’t encourage you enough to attend this event. Oak Grove is situated on a breathtakingly beautiful campus. What better way to spend a gorgeous...
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