by Site Admin | May 19, 2021 | World Food Day, Regeneration International, Year of the Soil, Vandana Shiva, Organic, Navdanya, Monsanto, Industrial Agribusiness, India, Gandhi, Earth Democracy, Climate Change, Agroecology
We have returned from our trip to India and are sorting through what we filmed. We’re excited to do so, but first we want to report on our journey and let you know what we learned. Especially because today is World Food Day. Every October 16 the Food and Agriculture...
by Site Admin | May 19, 2021 | Vandana Shiva, Seed Freedom, News, India, Gandhi, Climate Change, Agroecology
We want to thank EVERYONE who donated to our Summer 2015 Fundraising campaign. Not everyone supported this project through Kickstarter, we received donations by way of the donation tab on this website as well as through other means. To those donors: We won’t publish...
by Site Admin | May 19, 2021 | Year of the Soil, Vandana Shiva, Seed Freedom, News, Monsanto, Industrial Agribusiness, India, Earth Democracy, Climate Change, Agroecology
WITH YOUR SUPPORT WE MADE OUR GOAL. Yes! We leave for India on Sunday, where we will begin by interviewing Vandana’s childhood friends, teachers, and son. We will also visit Gandhi’s Ashram and film gatherings of organic farmers atNavdanya and Indore (in Central...
by Site Admin | May 19, 2021 | Year of the Soil, Vandana Shiva, Seed Freedom, Organic, News, Navdanya, Monsanto, Industrial Agribusiness, India, Earth Democracy, Climate Change, Bija Vidyapeeth, Agroecology
By the time you read this, we will be on the road to Northern California, where we’ll be attending two big events in support of The Seeds of Vandana Shiva. We’ve already passed $20K with 16 days to go of our Kickstarter campaign. $10K more to raise–we think we can do...
by Site Admin | May 19, 2021 | Vandana Shiva, Seed Freedom, Navdanya, India, Earth Democracy, Agroecology
What a busy few months it has been. We received a generous grant to edit THE SEEDS OF VANDANA SHIVA from the Logan Foundation and our wonderful editors are hard at work. We’ve also been working on the script and researching music, archival footage and Indian animation...
by Site Admin | May 19, 2021 | Vandana Shiva, Seed Freedom, Organic, News, Monsanto, Industrial Agribusiness, Earth Democracy, Climate Change, Agroecology
March 5th, 2015 Independent Science News by Jonathan Latham Ph.D. By conventional wisdom it is excellent news. Researchers from Iowa have shown that organic farming methods can yield almost as highly as pesticide-intensive methods. Other researchers, from Berkeley,...
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